Thursday, November 3, 2011

My luck

So, for the past two months DSC had led me to believe that I would return to Mrs. Noll at southeast. I have been beyond pumped about this. Today I received an email staying that principal did not want a student teacher there bc they were "reconstructing the history department."
You mean the principal who is retiring in 27 days? You mean the department who has shitty teachers besides the two amazing teachers I asked for?

Then they tell me I have two days to find a back up plan. What?!? I sorry but I didn't have a backup plan!
I talked to Mrs. Noll, the principal NEVEr told her that I could not be there. He NEVER asked her about it. He always fired Mrs. Noll from being department head while she was on maternity leave. WTF? So basically I got screwed over by a principal who is mad at the SHS history department and is leaving.

Mad probably doesn't even begin to explain how I am feeling right now.

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