Monday, May 23, 2011

If that whole teaching thing doesn't work out...

I could totally do interior design!! Okay not really, because I have hard time coming up with things on my own. BUT if you give me a little bit of an idea, I can fix what ever you need.  Like today. My mom had this cabinet/bar made for our kitchen.  She had added on to it because it was so small! But what arrived at the house today was literally TWICE the size that we needed it to be.  Jim, who is are handy guy, came over and was like "Um, what are we going to do?" I quickly grabbed a tape measure and started measuring things.  We quickly realized what we needed to do, and did it! I also helped lay the tile back I could totally do this!
I have visual proof!

See how BIG it is?

So I made them cut it off

Once again it was too big

Getting ready to lay tile

Laying tile!

Finish product!!!

See...much better!

Sorry Lindsey, I know you wanted the T. Swift blog, but I had to show everyone this because I knew no one would believe it!
Okay I didn't actually cut anything.  This is because I have the grace of an elephant, and my mom refuses to allow me around anything electrical or sharp.


  1. Ah.. this is beautiful. You will be helping me redo my house, well the house that I am eventually going buy. lol.

  2. Aww I love it! It looks so good!
