Monday, May 16, 2011


My blog on time management made me think about all the goals that I have for this Summer.  I am HORRIBLE at keeping goals.  This is why a never make a New Year's resolution.  I fail at them within a week.  But some of these goals are much needed, so I am asking for you help on me achieving them.  If any of you see me or talk to me ask me how my goals are going, and if I have accomplished any (Jordan you are probably going to be the one doing this, so please help!)

  1. Time management...first and foremost!
  2. Cook at least three times a week.  I am only working two days this Summer, which means I will have plenty of time to cook.  And I love to cook so this should not be too hard.  Plus I am hoping that it will help me save money.
  3. Exercise.  I use to work out all the time in high I rarely do.  This is a must  because one, I am in Amy's wedding come June. Two,  I need to look good for our engagement pictures. Three..hello I am getting married and all eyes will be on me! I need to look good!
  4. Find a place to get married at.  We have a place in mind, we just need to make a point to visit it and to book it!
  5. Find songs for the reception. This I need help with.  If we get married at First Methodist we will have the reception there.  Which means I can only have songs that do not have cussing in them.  Do you know how hard this is? Also I am hoping to use an ipod instead of hiring a D.J. This will help us save money.
  6. Figure out how to make a play list on my ipod for the wedding. Yes I am dumb when it comes to these things, so if you can help me with this I would love you forever! I also should probably find my ipod.
  7. Find a wedding dress! I have one in mind.  It looked really good on me and I really really like it!
  8. Spend times with friends..remember I miss having a life.
  9. Go to at least one Braves game and one Rome Braves game.
  10. Diet..If you know any good ones let me know.  For the most part I eat really healthy. I am not a big junk food or fast food person.
  11. Become more limber (all of you dirty minded people get your head out of the gutter!) I have no grace about me, which is why I sucked at dance! So I would like to become more graceful.
  12. Only drink one Coke a day-probably be the hardest for me. I am addictive to them!
I know you are thinking why wedding stuff? You have a year? Well because for most of that year I will be doing student teaching and will not have time to do any of the above mentioned things. Plus I am a planner.  So hopefully I will achieve at least half of what is on this list.  I will keep yall updated on how it goes!


  1. Good luck with the goals! I will definitely try to remember to ask you how they are going when I see you! :) I am with you on the exercising one, I realized really quick how out of shape I am when we played softball a few weeks ago. & I totally understand the part of reception music, we are hiring a DJ but he wanted me to come up with some songs we want played and I have yet to do it. But GOOD LUCK! I know you can do it.

  2. 1. Good Luck with all of your goals girl. I will do my best to ask you how you are doing with them all when I see you! I know you will achieve most if not all of them. If I can be of any help with any of the things listed just let me know and I would be glad to help.

    2. That wedding dress is absolutely GORGEOUS! I am sure you looked great in it!

    3. Could you do lunch on Wed.? What time are your summer classes?

  3. I have classes till 1:40 on Wed, but I have nothing to do after that. And thank you! I really think I will get it!

  4. Well I get out at 1:30 on wednesdays and I dont have to work on that day so maybe we can get together on a Wednesday and go for a late lunch or something! I also workout at the school gym if you ever want to come join me. I actually have a personal trainer there who made me some workout plans. So anytime you want to work out just let me know and we can go up there!

  5. Tab and I totally have you covered on the reception music and playlist! That dress is BEAUTIFUL. There's a little hole-in-the-wall shop in Kennesaw where we found Tab's dress and tried it on and then she got Karen at Satin and Lace to order it. We had a ball having a "girl's day" dress shopping.
    Also, I am a pretty dang good cook. I'll try to bring some recipes with me this weekend.

  6. Thanks! I will take all the help I can get! And I would love new recipes, even if you have to email them to me!
