Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Life has been complete chaos for, um, the last month?
I finished my time up at North Murray...thank goodness! I am now at Bagley with Robin Baggett..I love her! But I am not a middle school person, I prefer high school.

I take the GACE for the second time this weekend...stressed much? I am only taking the world history part since I failed it by 2 POINTS! I have literally been studying every night for two weeks! What makes it worse? Oh yea I am suppose to attend a wedding Saturday at four...GACE starts at one.  I hope to make it back in time for at least the reception.  Josh is in the wedding so I really wanted to be there, so Amy save me a seat and keep your cell phone with you, bc I will probably be texting you "Has it started yet?" Haha

I have so much stuff to do this month: a presentation, two papers, a lesson plan, two test, and education philosophy.  Blah.  I am so busy that I literally have something to do every night for the next three weeks!!! I seriously need a break. On top of that we have another wedding next weekend.....can we add like an extra 5 hours to each day? It would help...

And for those of you who are wondering, no we have nothing new on the wedding.  Life has been too chaotic to think about it...well except for the honeymoon part where we get to live this place for a couple of days.  Seriously can July 14, 2012 get here any faster?

I also just realized I have managed to get hair spray all over my glasses and phone...I was wondering why I was seeing these little dots, then I took of my glasses and it made perfect sense....

Oh, well back to work...maybe when November rolls around I might get a chance to see someone outside of Josh and the people at school....

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