Friday, June 3, 2011

Love Songs

As we all know I love music, but I rarely mention how Josh shares that love.  However there is a difference, he loves 80s rocks.  I have come to accept this (but  I am secretly converting him!).  He also thinks that (Lindsey stop reading this because you are going to die!) Jason Aldean is better than Brantley Gilbert! Now if you know me, I have loved Brantley Gilbert for freaking forever, and it kills me to hear Jason Aldean singing his songs!
However there are two songs that Josh hears and thinks of me, that are NOT 80s rock or Jason Aldean actually the first one is Brantley Gilbert.  It is called My Kind Of Crazy.

If anyone has seen me around Josh, this is so how I am.  I an all over the place and completely myself.  I am notorious for throwing the most random fits on him, and he stays calm and lets it play out.  I have attempted to drive his truck, and FAILED!  So when he hears this song, he starts laughing at all of those little moments we have shared.

The second song is My Kind Of Woman by Craig Morgan, yes I too was surprised by his choice of a COUNTRY song (thinking that maybe that conversion is working).
This song shows my two sides, I am country girl who has northern ways, (my mom is from Chicago, and it is the only city that I love and would move to.)  I am also a Victoria Secret addict.  It is a bit ridiculous.  There are times when I am way to safe, and times when I am completely out of control.  (bipolar maybe? haha) But the one line that Josh truly agrees with is "She's reckless, she's safe. The angel God saved for my life" Josh will tell you that he 100% agrees that God put me on this Earth to show him the right way in life. He constantly calls me his saving grace or his guardian angel. 

So maybe that boy does love me just a little.  What can I say, I kind of sorta love him too..


  1. This is too funny girl, because Chris has told me numerous of times that these two songs make him think of me. We have lots of others as well, but Brantley's is my favorite and his too. You and Josh are just right for each other and I love to hear you talk about yalls love for one another.

  2. Thank you! It is love that is hard to explain and only people who have seen us together can somewhat understand. That baseball player stole my heart and I have no chance of getting it back, nor do I want to haha

  3. I can comment anonymously, apparently, but not from my account? Weird.

    "My Kind of Crazy" is one of my all time favorites. And you tell Dover that Jason Aldean has done Brantley Gilbert MULTIPLE injustices! lol

  4. Lindsey we argue all the time over those two! I turn the radio everytime I hear Aldean singing one of Gilbert's song. But I have two stations that I listen too that play Gilbert instead of Aldean and it makes me so happy!
