Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Lessons Learned

Last night I learned a lesson...One that I wish that I had not.  I am not going to get into the juicy details of what went down, just because I might start crying.  Last night I was attempting to be a nice person, when two people I love went off on me.  The sad thing is that what they were mad at, and yelling at me for had NOTHING to do with me.  I was completely blind sided by this.  I just sat there trying to figure out why I was getting yelled at.  For those of you who do not know, I am someone who hates to upset the people that I love, like bad.  I am absolutely a people pleaser.  And these people know this, they know that it breaks my heart to think that I have upset them. So after these people were done yelling at me I called my daddy crying.  Another thing that people don't know is that it makes my daddy extremely mad when I can call him crying, because he knows better then anyone else how tender hearted I can be.  Daddy knew that he could not fix the situation, so he gave me some amazing advice.  He said, "Sissy I know that you love to make people happy and to be a nice person, but there comes a time where you can't please everyone and there comes a time where you have to stop being nice to everyone." it really that simple?  I would like to think so.  I have added another goal in my life, stop pleasing everyone.  I am done with trying to be this perfect person where all I do is live a life that makes people happy.  I am tired of being scared to do things because I think that people might judge me.  It is time that I live my own life.

First on my list, get that damn tattoo that I have always wanted!


  1. Get the tattoo!! Be yourself! I dont regret mine at all, no matter what anyone says.

  2. I really thing I am going to, I just need to decide what I want

  3. Let's go. Like this weekend. You'll figure it out :)

  4. Definitely get the tattoo if thats what you want! I would not take either of mine back.

  5. I have pretty much decided that I am getting a quote. Josh's brother, Drew, has a girlfriend wh has a quote on her ribs and I really like it. I just have to decide between two quotes.

  6. Ahhhh. I'm sooooo freaking proud of you! :) I will help you! :) Get the tattoo! If I wasn't such a chicken, I would go with you!

  7. Jordan you are def going with me to get the tattoo!

    I also liked how you just reminded me at the store to NOT be a people pleaser I was about to please my mom hahaha
