Saturday, April 30, 2011

Pinky Promises and Butterfly Kisses

This week has been full of events it seems.  Josh and I celebrated 7 years (actually we really didn't do anything, I have finals next week and he has worked late) and I watched the Royal Wedding ( do NOT judge! I love weddings! Plus I am a history major, and this is history in the making).  But today marks a highlight of my life.  Seven years ago my precious little cousin Noah was born.  He and his six year old brother are the closest things to nephews that I have, and trust me I spoil them like an aunt.  They live in Ohio so I rarely get to see them, but anytime I have a bad day I love to call Noah and Matt Matt and just talk to them.  I love to listen them to stumble over their words and complain about  school, they are home-schooled.  They usually mention a list of toys that they would like for me to buy them, which I gladly do.  But the highlight of my life with them is when they come to Georgia.  I always make time to have a "spend-the-night party" with them, I am the only person who has kept them over night.  But I also always manage to get tons of butterfly kisses and forced into pinky promises.  I cherish every butterfly kiss and pinky promise.  There is something about those moments that warm my heart and will live own my mind forever.  Each time I spend with them, it makes me want children more and more.  Noah and Matt Matt have made it clear that the LAST thing they want me to do is have children, they are extremely jealous.  But although I love every moment with them, I cannot but help to want my own children who I can share butterfly kisses and pinky promises with.


  1. Just wait. There is NOTHING like the love you have for your kids. NOTHING. It is absolutely unbelievable and there are no words to describe the way they steal your heart, instantly.

  2. I swear I love hearing you talk about your children! It is so sweet. And waiting to have kids is going to be sooooooo HARD!

  3. I know you've got a plan for your life, and I respect that. I'm just sayin, if you ever decide to chance your mind and be a young mom... I don't regret it at all!! (And it is NOT as hard as everyone makes it out to be.)

  4. Eh its not a plan written in stone, and if I get a job as soon as I graduate we will probably have them sooner. I really did want to be a young mom. And it being hard does not scare me, just because I feel that it will be the most rewarding job EVER!
