Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Multiple personalities

Before I go any further, let me just say that I do NOT have Multiple Personalities! So please do not go saying that you read a blog where Sherika proclaimed that she is crazy..People in my hometown already think that and that I am pregnant...and no I am not either!

This is blog is about my precious puppy Sophie.  Now for those of you who have not met her she is a 3lb 10 weeks old shih tzu.  When we first got her, she was very shy and prefered to sleep.  Now she is completely different.  Now she has TWO completely different personalities.  With me, she is still really sweet.  She lays in my lap while I pet her.  She does not potty in the floor.  Pretty much she is the PERFECT dog (or at least in my eyes).  Now with Josh...she is freaking cujo! I mean she is mean, and while bite him.  She will also run through the house, bumpning into everything.  She has actually hit her head several times and just keeps on going.  She will also pee EVERYWHERE when he is needless to say my poor little puppy has two personality. 1. My sweet little Sophie and 2. Cujo.
This Video shows her being Cujo

And here she is being sweet little Sophie

My Goal is to eventually break her of the Cujo stage, bc I would prefer a dog with only one personality. 


  1. Hahaha! Sounds like Achilles.

  2. yes it does! we say that Achilles and Sophie are boyfriend and girlfriend lol
