Tuesday, April 26, 2011

who and why?

Before I get into all the juicy details of my not so entertaining life, I feel as though I should tell you who I am, or at least the part of who I am that are important to me.

I am a wonderful daughter(or at least I think so) to two amazing parents.  They have taught me to be a strong independent woman who speaks her mind.  At times they wish they could take that aspect back.  I am daughter who is best friends with her mom and will always be daddy's little girl.  I take pride and trying to be the best daughter I can be, because I know that my parents were the best parents that they could be.

Big Sister
I truly believe that siblings are the people in your life who teach you to share and to fight like hell for the things that you want.  My bubby and I are only four years apart, which has allowed us to grow up together as friends.  I am so proud of who he has become and everything that he has accomplished.  He is my complete opposite in every way, but I still love him.

A soon-to-be wife
You will often here me say that I have the never-ending-engagment.  That would be because Josh and I have been engaged for almost a year, and it will be ANOTHER year before we finally say "I do!" Actually we will probably be yelling that! Josh had to promise my daddy that we would not get married till after I graduate (which also seems to be a never ending thing).  I work hard at trying to be the best fiance that I can be, but as many may know, it has hard to be perfect.  Josh and I have had a long, tough road, but I am so thankful for our journey together.

A Mother to a puppy
After Josh and I got engaged and he moved out on his own, we started thinking about children.  We are hoping to wait till have tenure before we have children.  This means that we will probably not have children for another four to five years (which feels like FOREVER to me).  So we decided we would buy a puppy.  It had been one of our best ideas! We love little Sophie as if she was a baby, and we treat her like baby. So until we decide to have an actual human baby, she will be our "pretend" baby.

A Student/Teacher
I am student at Dalton State College...and one who is SOOOO ready to graduate. Like you have no idea! I plan on being a high school history teacher.  I just finished up my student teaching at Southeast High School, and it was a life changing experience.  Mrs. Noll really helped me change my views on teaching.

So why did I decide to blog. One, because everyone else is doing it so why not? My mom would die if she heard me saying that. But really I wanted to start because I feel that so many people do not say what is really on their minds. I believe that you should be honest with people and truly say how and what you feel.  If you keep it all in, it will only make your life hard. So I am not going to promise this will be the most interesting blog EVER, but it will be honest.

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