Thursday, April 28, 2011

I'll be your little loretta you'll be my conway twitty

First, I would like to ask everyone to say a prayer to all the victims of last nights storms.  Ringgold has been completely destroyed along with other parts of the South.  And of course it was made worse due to the lack of cell service.  I was extremely worried about my friends and families and  was only able to contact some of them through Facebook (see there is a good reason why it exists).  Right now close to 200 people have been killed in the South, and the last I checked there was 7 people dead in Ringgold.  So please, say prayer, donate blood or water, or find some way to help these victims. It is the least that we can do.  Also say a prayer thanking God that you are alive and well. 

So  on to a happier note: and I am sorry but this might be a little mushy so you may not want to read it. I am goind ahead and giving you a warning!

Seven years ago today a brown haired, hazled eye 15 year old boy asked me to be his girlfriend. Of course I said yes. No I did not know then that I was dating the boy who would still my heart and ask me to marry him.  See I don't believe in love at first sight, well I believe that the only people you love at first sight are children.  Like the first time I found out my aunt was pregnant I immediately fell in love with the boy in her belly. But as far as meeting a guy and saying "Oh I loved the moment we met." No, I cannot say that. First I don't believe I truly understood love at that age.  But I did grow to love him.  For way to many reasons to name.  However, our life was not all happy endings like they have in fairytales.  We broke up at the beginning of our senior year.  We both wanted two different things for our lives. Josh wanted me to stay close to home while he went and played baseball.  I wanted to get the heck out of Murray County and never look back.  We thought it was best if we just went our seperate ways.  I knew that if either us of followed the other we would one day resent each other.  I also knew that if it was meant to be God would help us find our way back to each other.  About 2 and half years later he did.  But Josh and I were still taking different journeys.  I finally realized I wanted to settle down in Murray County (why I do not know) and he was still wanting to be young and party (and get into WAY to much trouble).  So we agreed to wait a little longer.  Almost three years to the day that we broke, we FINALLY found our way back to each other AND were on the same journey.  It took us so long to get there, but we did.  Our lives were a complete mess for awhile, but we knew we belonged together.  With that in our minds and hearts, and a lot of help from God, we finally figured it out (or at least we hope!).  I hate some of things that happened while we were apart (um many of you may know what part/person I hate the MOST), but I know that we had to go through that journey.  I can truly say that in a year I will get to marry best friend, my soul mate, my happy ending. And I pray that God will allow us to grow old together. 

In PCB when we got engaged

When he took me to the Ga aquarium

See I told you it would get kind of mushy. Also there are no pictures from us from high school because I kind of destroyed them (opps! sorry about it!).


  1. I agree with you about love at first sight! And I love the pics, the picnik one is my favorite :)

  2. Thanks! I figured you might agree..I always here you talking about your kids and how much you love them and it makes me so excited to have kids one day!

  3. I don't believe in love at first sight at all. I actually think it's possible to not even like someone that is actually your soul mate at first. Before we got married, I asked God to help me truly appreciate Ed. I just recently was thinking about it, and God really and truly answered my prayer. It wasn't the way I wanted him to answer it. We both had to go through hell before we were able to truly appreciate each other. BUT, I don't think there's any way we could be happier right now. I'm glad you have found that, too. We are lucky :)

  4. Trust me, when we first met we did not really like each other lol And sometimes I do believe that maybe you have to go through hell and back to truly appreciate someone, because we put each other through a lot. And I am so glad that we are all happy, we are truly lucky!

  5. ReeRee I love to here you talk about you and Josh. You truly have a love for him that is so strong. I witnessed the hell that you had to go through before the good Lord finally brought yall back together. Yall are a beautiful couple and I truly wish yall all the happiness in the world!

  6. Thank you so much jess! It was a rough road but I would change it for the world.
