There is something that I rarely say, I am blessed. I often forget to count my blessings, something that my momma taught me to do. There other night, while laying in bed, I realized how truly blessed I am. Why? Because I have an amazing life
Josh and I have some of the most amazing parents in the world. All four are loving and supporting to BOTH of us and would give us the world. I woke up this morning and realized that I have no idea what I would do with out them.
My friends put a smile on my face. I have been so stressed the past six months, but my friends come around and they make me laugh. This is way better than cable.
My relationship with Josh is to die for..literally. It is amazing how much our relationship has evolved in the past eight years. It is so nice to know that I have this soul mate who will always be standing there beside me. I don't think that I would have made it through college without him.
I had an amazing student teaching experience. My students were amazing and reassured me that this is the job for me. I am prepared to not receive a teaching job, but I know one day it will be worth it.
I graduate. After being in some type of school since the age of three...I will finally have a college degree. I do not what it feels like to NOT study!
With all this said, I am the happiest I have been since my parents divorce. I feel as if all my dreams are finally coming true. For those of you who have helped along the way...thank you so much!
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