Thursday, November 10, 2011

Crazy week

So I thought that I had this whole placement thing figured out.  I decided to stay with Mrs. Baggett...but of course it could not be that simple.  Well as of right now, I am back with Mrs. McClary at North least I won't have to drive too far.

Then I week up this morning with a tooth ache.  I have been complaining about about this tooth ever since I had it filled.  I was actually convinced that they missed up my filling.  But this morning it was worse.  So of I called the dentist to make an appointment.  The x-rayed the tooth, and then the dentist says, "You have cracked the front of your tooth."
My response, "I don't play extreme sports, so how did that happened?"
"Do you grind your teeth?"
Oh...yea..about that...
I have been grinding my teeth since I was like six. Yes I have TMJ.  Have ever bothered to wear a night guard? Nope..of course not! Guess who now has a mouth guard? Yep me.
What made it better? That I have to have a root canal, and since the  canal is so small I have to go to a specialist.  Do you know when I can have it done...not till the end of the month. FML!!!!!!!

On a better note....AMY IS PREGNANT!!!!!!! Can you tell I am a bit excited? I have been worried that I would slip up and say something before she announced it to the world (thank you for finally doing that!). So now I have two reasons for the next Summer to get here, my wedding and the arrival of Baby Miller! EEKK!! And yes I am probably more excited about Baby Miller than my own wedding haha!

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