Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What I Do When I Am Suppose To Be Studying

I think of all the things I have learned about myself...why yes that is WAY more interesting than studying something about Lincoln...dude I am over Lincoln.


  • I am socially awkward. I tend to just smile and nod my head. There might be a nervous laugh thrown in there.
  • Thank God I am socially awkward, because Josh is blunt enough for the both us.
  • I bruise like a prune.  Like I have this softball size bruize on my inner thigh. Do I know where it came from? Why know I don't. Should I? Yes
  • I am the strangest fears: Storms, Being trapped, feet (they don't "scare me" they just gross me out), and birds. Tabitha please don't freak out.  I love your tattoo and I love Rayne's room. Just no real birds for me.
  • I am awful about replying to text/answering my phone.  I am mean when I notice that I have a text I read it, but if I don't respond RIGHT then, I probably never will. So it doesn't bother me when people don't text/call me back.
  • I am over this whole school thing..five years is way to long to go to college.
  • Although I love kids, I am still not ready for them..maybe I can just borrow kids from time to time.
  • Don't BS me. That is the name of a card game, lets keep it that way.  It really, really annoys me when I find out that people are BSing me.  It make me look/feel like an idiot.
  • I don't handle people fighting in front of me very well...Why...Bc my parents never fought in front of me or my brother..let me repeat that NEVER! I am not saying they didn't fight, just not in front of us. So if you fight in front me, I will go into the above mentioned socially awkward mode.
  • Speaking of those wonderful parents.  My parents will 95% of the time take my friends' side over mine. Why? Bc 95% of the time I am in the wrong and someone needs to tell me that I am in the wrong. What about those other 5% of times, they still tell me to go make-up with my friends to be the "bigger person."  Guess what? Yep I am tired of being the bigger person.
  •  Also, I am thankful that those same wonderful  parents gave me tough love.  Seriously when I had my little break down at college, my dad told me to "Cowgirl up."  Yep, I am also tired of Cowgirling it up, haha.
  • I don't apologize..even when I am wrong.  I might say, "I am sorry for hurting your feelings." But I probably won't actually apologize for the act/words that hurt you...Oops!!
  • DO NOT make me wait on you. Seriously, I have no patients and it is rude. (Yes this may be pointed more towards my lovely fiance..LOVE YOU!)
  • Don't stand me up or not do something that you say you will. O.M.G. This is rude and you better be dying or know someone who is dying.
  • I hate doing homework..which is way you get to read this :)
P.S. Taylor Swift received her first nomination as a writer..YES! This is why I love her, she is one of the few people who still right their own songs. Brantley Gilbert and Colt Ford have been nominated for writing Dirt Road Anthem. Score!!!


  1. I know exactly why we are best friends because the above mentioned blog describes me as well! Haha. Surprisingly you always answer the phone whenever I call you to complain... Coincidence? I think not. Hahaha.

  2. Haha apparently God sends me a memo saying "Hey keep your phone in your hand Jordan is about to call." I am always missing calls and text..I know I suck haha
