Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Adventures of Miss England: The 13 Colonies

What have I learned? That when you which the age of 15 all prior knowledge disappears.  I have no idea where it goes, but it is no longer there.  We are attempting, key word there, to teach our students the 13 ORIGINAL colonies.  This is something that students should have learned back in um elementary school.  Now we do not expect every student to name all of them the moment they walk in the door, nor do we expect the students to be able to locate them on a map.  Do we expect you to know they are on the East coast? Yes. Do we expect you to know where Ga is? Um yea! You live there! The rest, we plan to teach.

So teaching we did. Then we had this conversation. 
Teacher: What religious experience spread across the 13 colonies that made them more alike?
Student: A tornado!!

Since when did a tornado become a religious experience? Also I should not that this was a question that had multiple choice answers?!? No tornado was not one of the choices.  The answer is Great Awakening. Look you learned something today!
Then the test came around.  Now we have seriously gone over the 13 ORIGINAL colonies EVERYDAY and labeled them on a map several times! We told them it would be on the test.
So as I am grading the map part of the test, I realize that apparently they thought we were lying about the map being on the test.  Would you like to know the answers we got? Vermont was the most common answer for labeling New York. Thanks to Jersey Shore, New Jersey is now just Jersey, who needed the New? Manhattan has become a state. And Minnesota has apparently moved to the East coast. Did you know that? Bc I didn't. Of course kids could not label Ga and some labeled North and South Carolina as Tennessee and Alabama. By the way Florida move to Virginia.

Remember what Lindsey said about kids getting dumber and dumber? I COMPLETELY agree with her!

Yes there will be a map on every test.  I am determined that by the time they leave this class they will at least know where Ga is located.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Last week was tiresome to say the least.  I always dogsit for my grandparents, so of course when they went to visit my aunt I said I would once again do it.  They failed to mention that he had not been sleeping through the night.  So if he wasn't sleeping, I wasn't sleeping.  He never slept, so I never slept. 

Then on Wednesday night Daddy calls to tell me he is having a simple procedure to remove a kidney stone.  He never calls to tell me about "simple" procedures and I could tell he was worried about it.  Come to find out, they believed this one had been in there for 3 months and caused kidney damage.  He told me not to worry, but of course I did.  On Friday, as I was attempting to teach my students something, I heard my phone ring, but chose to ignore.  After the lesson, I looked at phone and realized my aunt and step-mom had called me repeatdly.  So I stepped in the hallway to check my voicemail.  All I heard was, "The surgery didn't go well, it is worse then we thought.  Your dad is being admitted to the hospital."  I made it to the hospital in less than 10 minutes.  Apparently they were not able to remove and he was in a lot of pain.  Which caused his blood pressure go through the roof.  They said it was dangersouly high and would not let him go home under those circumstances.  Hardest thing ever: seeing your dad, who has always been your rock, withering in pain.  I lost it.  It took my aunt a good 20 minutes to calm me down.  I stayed with him until he woke up and told me it was dark and I needed to go home.  Second hardest thing: having to leave him there.  I knew that Rhonda would take care of him, but I was scared to death that something would happen to him in the middle of the night and I would not be able to make it back in time.  But I went home, where I did not get any sleep. 

My dad came home Saturday, but he never passed the stone.  He went deer hunting Sunday..thinks to my brother.  He will have to go back if never passes and they want to do more test on his kidneys. Just please keep him in your prayers. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A couple of reason why Josh is not allowed to go baby shopping.

1. Yesterday went to Walmart to grab a couple of things.  We seen a purple Disney Princess chair.  I love Disney princess so I stop to look.
"Lets get it for Rayne! She would love and it would look good in her room"
"Josh, I think we should wait till she is born and can actually sit up."
"Well you can sit in it when you go over there."
I look from the chair to Josh, I am twice the size of the chair.
"Well maybe Greenleigh can sit in it when she goes to visit."
I shake my head and walk off.

2. Today Tabitha sends me a picture of pajamas for Rayne.  She just happens to be holding it in front of her stomach.
"Is she trying to dress her while she is still in the womb?"
I was in shock that he what a womb was.

3.  I was talking to Josh about how I hope Tabitha doesn't go into labor while we are at Cameron's wedding or while I am taking the GACE.
"Well that would mean she would be in labor for like a month"
"Well she is not due till November.  If she goes into labor in October she will be in labor till November. That is a long time."
Hand to forehead!

Although I think it is really cute that he is all about Rayne right now, I think this is definitely a sign that we need to wait just a little bit longer before we have kids!

We WILL remember

Ten years ago today, my softball coach called over the intercom and asked for all softball players to report to him.  Once we got there, he asked us to call our parents because our game had been canceled.  He left the room and I grabbed his desk phone to all my mom.  She immediately answered the phone:

Me: Hey mom it's me.
Mom: Sherika? Sherika? Are you okay? Is everyone at school okay?
She was clearly in panic mode.
Me: Yes mom I am fine.  Are you okay?
Mom: You don't know what happened?
Me:  Something happened?
The girl quickly realized that something serious had happened and my mom was about to tell me.  The came as close to me as possible in attempt to hear what my mom was about to say.  Someone finally decided to put her on speaker phone.
Mom: Sherika, there has been a terrorist attack.  A plane flew into the World Trade center.  Honey, it is pretty bad.  But don't worry you will be fine.
At this point our coach walked back into the room.  He realized my mom had just told us what he was clearly trying to avoid telling us.  I hung up the phone and just looked at him.
Coach: No one in this room is to tell another student what you just heard.
We all went back to class and attempted to not tell anyone.

What happened ten years ago was horrible.  Actually I don't even know if that is a proper way to describe it.  But I do not that we should never forget it.  This past spring I was teaching my class about Pearl Harbor.  I tried to compare it to 9/11  to show how horrific it was.  A student raised his hand and stated that he did not remember 9/11 and actually had no idea what really happened, he didn't even know there were four planes.  I stood there in complete shock.  I asked my site teacher if we could stray from the lecture to allow me to explain 9/11.  She said it was fine, and I started with the above conversation.  Once I was finished, the students asked why no one told that what happened.  I told that it was just so scary for everyone.  Especially the people who watched it unfold.  I don't even like talking about it because it is so upsetting (I am actually watching the special on Lifetime right now and attempting not to cry).  But I realized that day, that people are forgetting to remember and forgetting to tell our youth what happened.  I think that is important to remember 9/11 just like it is important to remember the 4th of July and Pearl Harbor.  I guess that since I am history I believe that if you don't remember your past and learn from it, you are doomed to repeat it. 

So I just ask, even if it is once a year, remember 9/11.  Remember to tell someone what you were doing when your learned the news. Remember to keep praying for the people who lost ones and for the victims.  Remember all of the police officers, firefighters, and anyone else who helped to get the victims out.  Just always remember.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Adventures of Miss England: Sunflowers

Teacher:  When Columbus came to the New World he brought things that the Native Americans had never seen.  Like Sunflowers.
AP student: We can eat sunflowers?
Me: We eat sunflower seeds.
AP Student: Like the seeds from a sunflower? Like the ones that makes the sunflower grow?
Teacher: Um..Yes?!?
AP Student: I will never be able to look at sunflower seeds the same again.d

Bless her!! I guess bless us too.  I have a hard time controlling my facial expressions, so of course I looked at her like she was stupid.  Mrs. McClary and I were in complete shock that an AP Student did not know where SUNFLOWER seeds came from.

Teacher: What are the name of the ships that Columbus sailed on?
Me: You are about 100 years off.

Teacher: Who came to the New World before Columbus?
AP Student: The Pilgrims! Remeber they came here and had Thanksgiving with the Indians.
Me: You are now about a thousand years off. The Vikings came forever ago.

Clearly we had to start from the beginning and explained that the Vikings came first, then Columbus, then Jamestown, THEN the Pilgrims.  Although they have their moments where they completely forget EVERYTHING they have ever learned, it is still a teachable moment. And I LOVE it!! These kids are hilarious and they actually enjoy being there.  The more I am in the classroom, the more I am reminded how much I love teaching and history.  It reassures me that this is what I really want to do..even if I don't get my dream job or a job at first, I want to keep trying until I find the right school for me. I have been blessed with three wonderful site teachers, and I found who I have for middle school starting in October...It is Robin Baggett!!! I love her!  So the only thing left for me to do is decide where I want to be place my fourth block.  I have really considered going back to Southeast and working with Mrs. Noll and Ms. Barto.  They offered to share me so I don't have to teach AP.  Plus, there is a chance I could get a job for me.  On the other hand, I love North Murray and I could save money on gas, but I highly doubt I can get a job there.  So just please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I attempt to make the right choice!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Adventures of Miss England

So I thought that I would try to blog about life as a student teacher.  Mainly because I really want to remember this "joyous" time.  Okay so I am at North Murray with Mrs. McClary. First, NMHS is ridiculous! If you have not been there than you need to make an excuse to hop on over there.  They have a "grand staircase," and trust me is grand! Second Mrs. McClary is 26 and this is her fifth year teaching.  Yes that means she started when she was 21.  When you see her you would probably assume she taught early childhood and would be really nice. BUT she is defiantly high school teacher and can get mean with her students when need be.  She teaches 10th grade AP U.S History and regular U.S. History.  So there is the all the background information.

Last Friday I met Mrs. McClary for the first to work with her on pre-planning. She gave the grand tour of the building which lasted for a good 30 min...seriously, I still do know where everything is at. We then went over her plans for me and my goals for this semester. Then we had to sit through a mandate reporter meeting.  Boring. I learned that I am not allowed to date my students or hit them.  And apparently if my students are having sex and under the age of 16 I have to report it.  Can we just go ahead and report the entire school?  I know, I know I shouldn't take this lightly, but it is common sense.  I also noticed that everyone from Gladden and half the teachers from Murray are now at NMHS.  Mr. Smith (who is on my "team," NMHS does team like in middle schools) walked up to me and said, "Didn't I have you in high school? Wow I feel old!"  He had me his first year, so he is not that old.
First Day
Today was my first day actually meeting the students. Sigh. It was an interesting day.  First, I got up early to head on to DSC because I am behind on school work.  So I took my medicine along with some new vitamins, you know to try to boost that immune system of mine. Sadly, the vitamins made me sick, so I left school without ever going to class. Anyways.  When I felt better I headed to NMHS.  I walked into Mrs. McClary room, and of course the guys had to whistle? Are we in the tenth grade? Oh, wait...5th period class contains 22 males and 6 females! Wow! Next came 6th period.  this is going to be my favorite class..why? There is all of 22 people in it.  That is the same number of males in 5th.  They took their pre-test and that was it. Last was 7th period. Demons. That is what I will call them.  Why? Because this is the class full of attitude.  Take this conversation.
Mrs. McClary: So you were not here yesterday?
Student: No, duh!
Mrs. McClary: Okay,  and your name is _____, right?
Student: (Very hatefully, while rolling eyes) Um no! I go by ____ (shortened version of name).
Mrs. McClary: Okay, I will put that in my grade books.
Student: (Sarcastically) Thanks.
Also they were the only class to complain about the pre-test....that is not for grade!  One girl actually gave me the death stare the entire time.  I really want to ask "Have I offended you?" But I know that is just teenage girl stuff.  Hopefully that side of them stays in high school.
This led me to think, can I put up a sign in room that says "Leave your attitude at the door." Because I really want to.

We also have a girl whose last two letters of her name are "ho" but apparently you don't pronounce that part..whoops! She is a foreign exchange student from Japan.  She barely speaks English, but she is so sweet.  She is in sixth period, thank goodness she is not with the Miss Attitude. She has passed Calculus, but NMHS put her pre-cal. Mr. Pritchard (yes the one from Murray) is worried about her and wants to put her in AP Cal, he thinks she can make a 5 on the AP test..bless him. 
Speaking of the rest of the team, Mr. Smith wore a bow-tie to school.  He looks like a little kid with it.  Mrs. Wildes is also on our team along with Mrs. Gibson.  See a lot of people from Murray.
So that is about it.  I left school, got stuck in traffic, almost had a wreck because the police officer decided to stop directing traffic and no one knew what to do, got stuck in more traffic in front of my house, and made it home 45 minutes later.  Yes a ten minute drive took me 45 minutes. 

I will NEVER live across from a school again!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What I Do When I Am Suppose To Be Studying

I think of all the things I have learned about myself...why yes that is WAY more interesting than studying something about Lincoln...dude I am over Lincoln.


  • I am socially awkward. I tend to just smile and nod my head. There might be a nervous laugh thrown in there.
  • Thank God I am socially awkward, because Josh is blunt enough for the both us.
  • I bruise like a prune.  Like I have this softball size bruize on my inner thigh. Do I know where it came from? Why know I don't. Should I? Yes
  • I am the strangest fears: Storms, Being trapped, feet (they don't "scare me" they just gross me out), and birds. Tabitha please don't freak out.  I love your tattoo and I love Rayne's room. Just no real birds for me.
  • I am awful about replying to text/answering my phone.  I am mean when I notice that I have a text I read it, but if I don't respond RIGHT then, I probably never will. So it doesn't bother me when people don't text/call me back.
  • I am over this whole school thing..five years is way to long to go to college.
  • Although I love kids, I am still not ready for them..maybe I can just borrow kids from time to time.
  • Don't BS me. That is the name of a card game, lets keep it that way.  It really, really annoys me when I find out that people are BSing me.  It make me look/feel like an idiot.
  • I don't handle people fighting in front of me very well...Why...Bc my parents never fought in front of me or my brother..let me repeat that NEVER! I am not saying they didn't fight, just not in front of us. So if you fight in front me, I will go into the above mentioned socially awkward mode.
  • Speaking of those wonderful parents.  My parents will 95% of the time take my friends' side over mine. Why? Bc 95% of the time I am in the wrong and someone needs to tell me that I am in the wrong. What about those other 5% of times, they still tell me to go make-up with my friends to be the "bigger person."  Guess what? Yep I am tired of being the bigger person.
  •  Also, I am thankful that those same wonderful  parents gave me tough love.  Seriously when I had my little break down at college, my dad told me to "Cowgirl up."  Yep, I am also tired of Cowgirling it up, haha.
  • I don't apologize..even when I am wrong.  I might say, "I am sorry for hurting your feelings." But I probably won't actually apologize for the act/words that hurt you...Oops!!
  • DO NOT make me wait on you. Seriously, I have no patients and it is rude. (Yes this may be pointed more towards my lovely fiance..LOVE YOU!)
  • Don't stand me up or not do something that you say you will. O.M.G. This is rude and you better be dying or know someone who is dying.
  • I hate doing homework..which is way you get to read this :)
P.S. Taylor Swift received her first nomination as a writer..YES! This is why I love her, she is one of the few people who still right their own songs. Brantley Gilbert and Colt Ford have been nominated for writing Dirt Road Anthem. Score!!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Who I am Today

Last night I looked at Josh and said, "Can you believe how are life is today?  Would you have ever guessed that this is where we would be at the age of 22?" Josh: "No, because I wanted to get married at 18...Thank God we didn't!"

No that doesn't mean that he loves me any less.  Just that we both know that it would have been ten times harder on us if we would have married at the mere age of 18.  After we had our little discussion I started thinking, maybe too much.  I realized that for once in my life, I am putting MY life and my fiance's life FIRST!!  And you know doesn't make me a bad person.  Why? Because every single person has different priorities in life.  My priorities right now: finish school, figure out this whole wife thing, save just in case I don't get a job, if I do get a job save for a house, finish Josh's car, and at some point plan a wedding.  It is a lot I know, but Josh and I work at each one of those together, yes even the school thing.  And there are days that if he wasn't beside me then I probably would forget all the things I really want and need in life.  These are not the same priorities as everyone else.  Like Amy is probably concentrating on the whole marriage life and getting her husband through the police academy and keeping him safe.  Tabitha is probably more focused on her new job and Rayne.  Jordan..well Jordan has a lot of the same priorities as me, minus the whole care thing.  But that is okay.  We are all at the age where are lives are becoming so different.  Yet it is so fun to see where we all are today and how different our lives are...actually I enjoy it. Haha, I know that is kind of funny.

Anyways enough of that.  Josh and I had an interesting weekend, at least to us.  We rearranged our house, again.  We bought some curtains  that block out the sun, hopefully it cuts down on the power bill.  These two things made our little house finally feel like a home! We also went baby shopping for little Rayne.  That was an experience in itself...Josh attempted to buy her a potty training seat.  I then told him that she wouldn't need that for a while! Bless him. I was more excited about finding name tags with birds on them!!

The next two months are going to be so busy! We have a baby shower and two weddings, and not to mention all the homework that I have to do.